Development of the Oliva Plus project, aimed at creating a new range of commercial products based on refined Olive Oil with added nutraceutical components.
With the V.A.L.E project Valorisation of Agri-food wastes for Olive Oil production with augmented nutraceutical value, Salov is developing research started with the Oliva Plus project, with the aim of creating a new range of commercial products based on refined Olive Oil, with the addition of nutraceutical components extracted from natural food matrices and by-products of the Olive Oil production cycle and other agro-food sectors.
V.A.L.E. has been running since July 2018.
V.A.L.E. Project, Regional Operational Programme ERDF 2014 – 2020 (Unipi Departments of Chemical, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Magona Technological Hub, Unisi Department of Life Sciences).