From reducing our environmental impact and industrial risk, to developing innovative Olive Oil production processes, to biomonitoring with bees, Salov is constantly engaged in study and research projects, carried out in collaboration with prestigious scientific institutes and universities.
Some of these projects have undergone rigorous peer review and subsequently been published by the prestigious international scientific journal FOODS. In scientific research, the peer review process impartially evaluates and selects articles for publication, ensuring their suitability and quality.

Progetto 1
17th November 2023

Progetto 2

Progetto 3
24th April 2022

Progetto 5
10th October 2020

Progetto 6


Environmental impact assessment of the new Salov plant, performed by monitoring the surrounding air quality using bees.

Enzymatic degumming

A highly innovative project to optimise process efficiency and yield and to replace chemical reagents with enzymes (phospholipases).


Research into innovative technologies for preserving the analytical and organoleptic characteristics of Olive Oil over time.


The aim of this project is to harness the nutraceutical components of Olive Oil with an innovative product that enhances its recognised health properties.


Development of the Oliva Plus project, aimed at creating a new range of commercial products based on refined Olive Oil with added nutraceutical components.


A research project to reduce environmental impact and industrial risk, aimed at optimising the Refining Process.

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