12 November 2020 - Corporate
SALOV unveils the Cisterne d’Autore “Between Heaven, Oil and Earth”
After working on the project for about a month, the five “Cisterne d’Autore” (‘Designer Tanks’) were unveiled under the title “Tra cielo, olio e terra” (‘Between Heaven, Oil and Earth’). The SALOV Group’s Project, involving world-famous artist Giulio “Rosk” Gebbia, is just one of the many pieces in the company’s sustainability journey.
12 November 2020 - Corporate
SALOV unveils the Cisterne d’Autore “Between Heaven, Oil and Earth”
Massarosa, 12 November 2020 – After 5 weeks of work, the piece “Tra cielo, olio e terra” (‘Between Heaven, Oil and Earth’) was recently unveiled at the SALOV Group’s Massarosa plant. The work was commissioned by the Company and was created by the well-known street artist Giulio “Rosk” who decorated 5 of the tanks used to collect water from oil processing, transforming them into real works of art.
The Project
On 18 September, the SALOV Group – a leader in the production and distribution of edible oils worldwide – at its headquarters and plant in Massarosa (Lucca), within the Migliarino-San Rossore pre-park area, surrounded by the Massaciuccoli lake, gave the green light to the artwork commissioned from Giulio Rosk. The objective was to transform 5 of the tanks on its production site into true ‘open-air canvases’, integrated in perfect harmony with the surrounding landscape, thus helping to bring art and beauty both inside and outside the production site.
The artist Rosk is very famous for several works including the mural representing the judges Falcone and Borsellino, created with his colleague Loste in Palermo.
The 5 fibreglass tanks, about 10 meters high with a diameter of 4 meters, were decorated with a graffiti technique that combines figurative painting with street art. The images depict certain iconic features of the company and its well-established brands Filippo Berio and Sagra:
- the face of Filippo Berio, the founding father of the company’s premium brand, now exported to almost 80 countries around the world;
- the original signature of Filippo Berio, which can be found on the labels of all the brand’s products;
- the image of the two Filippo Berio and Sagra bottles;
- the golden olive tree that features on Filippo Berio’s labels for the Italian market.
“Seeing the finished work fills me with pride. I am convinced that we need to improve industrial sites, both for those who work there and for the area where they are located, so that they have the best possible impact on the surrounding environment. This artistic project has contributed to enhancing the company’s hub which sees in the Massarosa plant and in the Villa Filippo Berio, in Vecchiano, a nucleus where olive oil is at the centre of everything,” said Fabio Maccari, CEO of the SALOV Group,
“This work is just one of the many pieces of a broader sustainability project that we are pursuing through a series of concrete environmental, social and commercial actions.”
“Working on this project, on an industrial site, surrounded by nature and beside a lake, was great,” street artist Giulio “Rosk” Gebbia commented, “With “Tra cielo, olio e terra” we hope to have contributed to making the tanks even more integrated into the surrounding environment. While we were working we were “accompanied” by grey herons, and other birds typical of Lake Massaciuccoli, a clear sign that the SALOV production site is already strongly “incorporated” into the landscape. Knowing that both the workers and many of the group’s Italian and international collaborators will be able to admire the work and grasp this natural spirit fills my heart.”
The SALOV Group was founded in 1919 by Filippo Berio’s daughter, Albertina, and a number of Tuscan industrialists who together pursued Filippo Berio’s vision of promoting quality olive oil around the world. The group is based in Massarosa, in the province of Lucca, and is among the largest companies in the oil sector with a consolidated net turnover in 2019 of approximately 275 million Euros and 91 million litres sold. Since 2015 it has been part of the Bright Food Group.
The SALOV Group, which has always had a presence on the Italian market with the famous Sagra brand, launched the Filippo Berio brand for the first time in Italy at the end of 2019, already a well-established brand worldwide and currently market leader in the USA, UK and Russia, as well as in Belgium, Holland and Switzerland. Filippo Berio has a dedicated range for Italy, one capable of responding to an increasingly demanding consumer in terms of quality and above all traceability and sustainability. In fact, thanks to the Filippo Berio Method, each phase of the production process is traced and certified starting from the field and the application of integrated production techniques.